
New Story Out on Wattpad

Just started a new story. Please have a read, comment and like. Thanks.

I would like some constructive criticism on it.

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His Serenity


About Me

This is an introduction post about me and what this blog is going to contain.

 I am a young student who is simply managing her way through life, wishing to express myself and my experiences through writing and this blog. I want the people that read my blog to relate to what I am writing about, to be inspired and feel like they are not alone in this world. I also want them to feel like there’s always a choice in life.

I believe, me sharing my experiences in the form of advice can help others in whatever scenarios they are going through.

Topics that will be covered in my blog will include concepts on relationships, life, and other relatable concepts. These are situations in which I have navigated through, some successfully and some unsuccessfully, and some will include the type of people as well as relationships I have come across.

 I would love to connect with young adults who would be going through or have gone through my experiences, and elder individuals who would be able to provide their own advice to life situations.

Embracing Your Unique Preferences

In an age where choices abound and opinions are just a click away, it is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of what others deem the next best thing. From the latest tech gadgets to trending diets and popular TV shows, the pressure to conform to popular opinion can be overwhelming. Yet, there’s a liberating truth that often gets lost in this sea of influence: it might not be for you.

With its carefully manicured beauty and influencer culture, social media frequently gives the impression that there is a single, universal definition of what should make us happy, successful, or fulfilled. We witness coworkers showing off their newest tech buy, pals gushing about a new exercise regimen, and influencers displaying their ideal vacation spots. It is obvious what the underlying message is: you are losing out if you do not participate.

But let us pause and reflect. Just because something works for others does not mean it will necessarily work for you. Each person’s tastes, needs, and circumstances are unique, and what brings one person happiness or success might not resonate with another.

When you acknowledge that something is not for you, you are being true to yourself. Being genuine promotes self-worth and might result in a greater sense of fulfilment from your decisions. With a plethora of options competing for your attention, knowing what does not work for you allows you to concentrate on the things that really count.

There is a certain freedom in accepting that you do not have to follow the crowd. It allows you to make decisions based on your values and interests, rather than external pressures.

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The Art of Boundaries: A Journey to Work-Life Harmony

In the bustling city of Metropolis, where skyscrapers tower like giants and the streets hum with the rhythm of progress, lived a young professional named Emily. She was ambitious, driven, and passionate about her career. But amidst the whirlwind of deadlines, meetings, and endless emails, Emily found herself feeling increasingly overwhelmed and disconnected from the things that truly mattered in life.

But perhaps the most challenging aspect of cultivating boundaries was resisting the temptation to constantly check her work emails and messages outside of designated times. It took discipline and mindfulness to resist the allure of her smartphone, but Emily found solace in the moments of silence and disconnection. She used this time to indulge in hobbies she had neglected, spend quality time with loved ones, and simply enjoy the present moment without the distractions of work.

As Emily created physical and psychological barriers between work and personal life, she noticed a profound shift in her overall well-being. She felt more energised, focused and present in both her professional and personal pursuits. Her relationships flourished as she prioritised quality time with loved ones and made space for meaningful connections.

Over time, Emily’s commitment to boundaries not only restored balance in her life but also enhanced her performance at work. By prioritising self-care and setting clear boundaries, she became more resilient, creative, and productive in her role. Her colleagues admired her newfound sense of balance and often sought her advice on how to achieve the same harmony in their own lives.

In the end, Emily realised that cultivating boundaries was not just about creating space for relaxation and rejuvenation but also about reclaiming control over her life and priorities. By honouring her needs and setting clear boundaries, she discovered a newfound sense of empowerment and fulfilment in both her career and personal life.

As the sun set over the city skyline, Emily smiled contentedly, knowing that she had found the secret to work-life harmony. And as she closed her laptop and stepped away from her desk, she embraced the freedom and joy that come from living a life guided by boundaries, balance, and purpose.

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The Art of Resetting Your Mindset

If the plan does not work,

Change the Plan,

But never change the Goal


We frequently encounter obstacles on life’s journey that might cause us great mental burdens. Whether it’s handling stress, disappointments, or just feeling stuck in a rut, the capacity to reset our perspective becomes a vital asset for our well-being and personal development.

Our attitudes, beliefs, and ultimately our behaviour are shaped by our mentality. When faced with obstacles, a pessimistic outlook can exacerbate a self-doubt loop and impair our capacity to overcome problems. By changing our perspective, we can overcome limiting ideas, develop a positive view, and adopt a more robust way of living.

It takes dedication and self-awareness to consistently reset your thinking. You may change how you see and handle obstacles in life by making deliberate changes to your perspective, making clear intentions, and forming positive habits. Recall that if you choose to see setbacks as opportunities for personal growth, they can serve as a spark for amazing personal progress.

Accept the process of changing your perspective, and observe how it results in a more resilient and satisfying life.

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Happy New Year!

As we say goodbye to yet another amazing year, I can’t help but think back on the great adventure we’ve had together. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for being a part of this community. Your encouragement, participation, and excitement have made this experience absolutely remarkable.

I appreciate you reading, leaving a comment, and sharing your ideas. This blog is now lively and friendly, thanks to your presence. Whether you are a new reader or have been reading my blog for a while, your encouragement has always motivated me to write.

Together, let’s continue to explore new areas in the new year with a spirit of inquiry and fellowship. Please know that your participation in our discussions, whether you read silently or actively, is greatly welcomed.

I appreciate your contribution to Say No More. Cheers to another year filled with learning, growth, and special moments. I hope that 2024 will be a year of optimism, innovation, and achieving your goals.

With great thanks, I bid adieu to the old and welcome the new as we raise our virtual glasses to the beautiful community we have created together. To all of you, I hope you have an amazing New Year!

With sincere gratitude and excitement for the journey ahead.

What is Yours 

“No amount of worrying can change the future. Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by God’s decree. If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way, but if it is yours by divine decree, from you it cannot flee. ” – Umar

Thinking about your destiny and your fate requires you to understand that the former is your frame of reference, and the latter is what you do with that frame. Before deciding who you want to be, you should have a solid understanding of who you are. You will need to work on yourself from the inside out to discover what is intended to be.

The mysterious power that creates the fabric of our lives and destiny never ceases to captivate and inspire thought. It suggests a grand design, a story being revealed in the stars that are guiding our pathways with an unseen hand.

Faith extends beyond the realm of reason, giving comfort during uncertain times and serving as a prism to understand life’s unforeseen turns. Faith is the cornerstone that reinforces conviction in a benevolent destiny, providing comfort in the face of adversity.

Faith and destiny dance in a delicate tango together. The two entwined threads that examine all aspects of the known and the unknown, the material and the ethereal, construct the complex tapestry of the human experience.

Without faith, it is difficult to believe in destiny.

Give that some thought, and let me know what you think.

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I Found You

To all those feeling down, do not give up. Hope is just around the corner and so is happiness.

The feeling of wasting away is so consuming, so demeaning, so exasperating

Do you think this is where I wanted to be?


Do you think I am happy with where I am?

You keep on repeating every fault and I reply with apologies like a broken record.

I have heard

I am trying my hardest

I do not want to be a disappointment

But can you not see I am trying

Do you not notice the effort I am putting in?

Do you not notice my light dimming with each rejection I receive?

I am shouting so loudly for help but no one seems to hear me.

My voice seems to be getting lost in the sea of lost souls

I want to shine constantly like the Moon

I want my voice to be so loud, that I break the sound barrier

I want to be like the first flower sprouting in a Greenland

I am not ready to disappear.

I will show and prove to you and myself that I am worth so much more

Hope, I found you

The Big Boys

What started as Olympic boxing went to Pro Boxing and is now MMA, they are in the ring and gloves are off – Toto

The challengers are Apple and Samsung.

Apple has already won in my heart. But let us see who you will choose. 

Imagine having all your devices connected seamlessly. Automatic connection. 

But some people still do not understand the importance of that. Hmmm, how do I explain this? 

Apple has got the best looks, the simplicity and most importantly the goods. Samsung has brought the flip phone modernised, and BTS is its ambassador. 

You know Samsung really sounds tempting. 

The only thing that would make me switch partners to Samsung is the fact that they have flip phones. But I doubt that Apple will be too far behind. 

Would you rather have a phone priced higher without ad disruptions or one at a lower price but with ads? 

Who is your Challenger? 

The Gateway

He is in the shadows

His heart has been torn to pieces

His mind is crowded with many concerns and memories

But she came to save him

Her name was Mary Jane.

She was his salvation.

She was his saving grace.

Mary Jane enveloped him in a warm hug.

For the first time in a long time in a long time, he was at peace.

He has found his gateway.

There is so much going on in our lives that we are all looking for a quick gateway.

What is your gateway?

The Underdogs

We make it happen, ‘Cause we believe it

Jungkook (BTS)

It’s a GOAL!!!!!!!!!!

To be honest I do not know where to start. I could drone on and on about it World Cup about how amazing it was but I know we all do not have the time for all that. 

But Say No More, I will be brief. 

Personally, it was the DRAMA, the EXCITEMENT, the ENTERTAINMENT, and the INTENSITY, it all became an escape. 

In my short life, I have not watched a World Cup that captivated my attention like this. It had me glued to my TV and sitting at the edge of my seat. It had me wondering what curve ball would be thrown my way for each match. 

With all the excitement and anticipation going on the World Cup also had me thinking if the underdogs can do it why can’t you. We need to stop underestimating our ability to make things happen in our lives. Even if you feel like you are failing behind everyone else, there is also a chance for you. 

Two essential sayings that stuck with me using this period were:

  • It is never over until it is over.  
  • If you are on the ground remember the only option for you is to go up. 



The Robots are taking over was what we used to say. I remember watching Wall-E for the first time and thinking ‘How cool would it be to have things done for me by robots’ then came the terminator. Wow, I thought the world was doomed. 

But now all you hear is hello Siri, or hey Google maybe even hey Alexa. 

We now live in a society where we do not fear the technology we once did. The technologies we once feared have evolved into AI and have become embedded in our daily lives. 

As a kid, all these things seemed like a dream, and seeing them become a reality is impressive. 

Technology is evolving faster than we can enjoy it. But it is what it is. What is next to come? 

Personally, I can’t wait for flying cars.

What are you excited to see in the future? (Write them in the comments).

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