Self-love = Confidence

Why spend years trying to impress people that do not bother to give you a second look. You see life is full of cliches. 

Why don’t you want to be confident? Is it because people might confuse you being confident with you being arrogant. Well guess what that is their problem not yours if they do not know the difference.

Not everyone is going love you. Most people do not even love themselves. 

I am not everything I want to be, but I am more than I was, and I am still learning. 

You have to start hanging out with people that benefit your future. Life is all about learning lesson but also you need to realise that confidence is not taught it comes from within you. 

You can grow to become confident, but it is also very easy for people to diminish your confidence.

Confidence comes from loving yourself in a way no-one else can love you. And also it is gained by believing in yourself in ways no-one else can believe in you.

Once you are able to love and believe in yourself, you become not only more confident but you are able to disregard what peoples opinions are about you. 

You gain self-love. 

Self-love is one of the greatest love you can gain. 

Self-love = confidence.

Love yourself, find happiness and most of all believe yourself.

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One thought on “Self-love = Confidence

  1. People are not even confident of thierselves so its so difficult to love themselves. My advice is people should try and have self confident, in life you have to be confident of your self so as to achieve what you want

    Liked by 1 person

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