The Robots are taking over was what we used to say. I remember watching Wall-E for the first time and thinking ‘How cool would it be to have things done for me by robots’ then came the terminator. Wow, I thought the world was doomed. 

But now all you hear is hello Siri, or hey Google maybe even hey Alexa. 

We now live in a society where we do not fear the technology we once did. The technologies we once feared have evolved into AI and have become embedded in our daily lives. 

As a kid, all these things seemed like a dream, and seeing them become a reality is impressive. 

Technology is evolving faster than we can enjoy it. But it is what it is. What is next to come? 

Personally, I can’t wait for flying cars.

What are you excited to see in the future? (Write them in the comments).

4 thoughts on “A.I

  1. I can’t wait for the days we will walk in Mars. Robots will be common place in our farms and as guards. They will do a better job I believe.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Robots aren’t taking over the world expert system.A common goal of computer systems is to get computers to do jobs that humans
    would do. While it is often easy to replace humans where the tasks are simple
    and repetitive, it is challenging to replace humans where complex decisions
    need to be made.
    As a result, the goal of ICT systems is not to replace humans entirely but to
    automate the more superficial aspects of complex jobs, freeing humans to make
    tough decisions. One way in which this can be achieved is through the use of an
    expert system.

    Liked by 1 person

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