The Pressure = Depression

She is dangerous when she is hurt. She can easily destroy everything around her, but she does not. Instead she destroys herself.


‘I am fine,’ ‘I am okay,’ ‘Everything is normal,’ These seem to be her daily anaphora.

She doesn’t want to burden anyone with her feelings.

How do you define Pressure?

What is the cause of your Pressure?

For her pressure is what she feels in her chest every day. It is the daily weight on her shoulders. It makes her feel disconnected from the world. She does not feel like herself anymore and feels distanced from everyone, including herself. she feels like she is watching everything outside of herself.

She hasn’t tried the self-care she saved on Pinterest, her sleeping and eating patterns. all her shows on Netflix are pending. She has been spending more time alone than usual. She is surrounded by family yet she couldn’t feel more alone.

Everyone around her seems to be getting on with their life, but she is at a stand still. The pressure to catch up is the heaviest. Yet, it makes her feel less inclined to do things, even the little things seem like too much. She overthinks everything.

She is faced with darkness in every corner of her mind. The pressure is too much. How much longer does she have to be under it like this. Her heart, mind and body can only take so much. She has finally shut down. To them it seems like it happened so suddenly.

She wants to give up, but she knows she should not, she cannot. She needs to pop the balloon, lift the boulder anything. But it is so hard.

Now put yourself in her shoes. Where would you go next? Would you give up or keep going?

New Story Out on Wattpad

Just started a new story. Please have a read, comment and like. Thanks.

I would like some constructive criticism on it.

Click the link below

His Serenity

WORDS: The Slow Killer

Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.

Robin Sharma




To some, they mean so much.

To others, they mean so little.

From those, we love they mean the most.

And that is why their words hurt more or make us the happiest person.

You do not even realise that maybe you are slowly killing someone with your words.


The words from that annoying voice in your head.

It is always saying you are not good enough, you are not smart enough, you are not worthy enough, you are not pretty/hot/peng enough, or that you are just not enough.

These words hurt the most, because, these are the words that you are telling yourself.


It kills slower than a bullet.

Cuts harsher than a jagged knife.

Makes you feel like you are bleeding uncontrollably but no one can stop it but yourself.

Now is the time to take a deep breath.

Look in the mirror and trust the process.

“You are better than you think.”

“You are more than enough.”

Believe in yourself even if the world has turned its back against you.

Because You are Phenomenal.


A lecturer wanting 5 rounds for pass.
A policeman demanding 500k for bail.
A judge demanding 5m for judgement.
A public servant demanding 50m for a contract.
A voter demanding 5k for his/her vote.
A clergy demanding 5-500k for “blessings”.
A leader(s) closing their eyes to corruption
A society where nepotism, favouritism and clientelism is the norm
A society where double standard is the order of the day
A society where those charged with upholding the law breaks the law.
A society without morals or scruples
A society that celebrate criminals

A parent offering 50k for ward’s admission into school or paying for exam questions.

A society rewarding incompetence.
A society closing its mind to murder.
A society shutting down common sense.
A society designed to allow the worst to emerge to the top, in many respects.
A society where only the dead and the downtrodden are are charged, prosecuted and guilty of crimes
A society that justifies all things in the name of politics, tribe, ethnicity and individual benefit.
A society that blackmails others for difference in thinking.

A Nation that we have all collectively built. One working towards oppressing the other. Where impunity is rife. Where our default thinking is on wailing or hailing never a consideration of the issue.

A society with low or no expectations from their leaders.
A society in conflict with itself.
A society where thought is absent. That all issues are swept under the carpet depending on who holds the broom and where all things can be covered depending on where the umbrella tilts.
A society with no respect for own constitution, law or rules

A society that amasses guns and amulets to a family meeting.
A place where bloodshed, sorrow and carnage are used to count scores.

We built this place. (Nigeria)


Year end tax moves for 2020 | Saving on taxes | Fidelity

Hi everyone,

So as it is the end of the year I would like to say a few things.

This year was crazy and full of unexpected events. We have loved and we have lost. We learnt and we grew. For those we have lost may their soul rest in peace.

Like someone told me recently, this year we did not learn rather, the year taught us a less For me it was the importance of patience and forgiveness.

We need to learn how to forgive because most times we do not know when the person or we are going to take our last breath. This year is an example of how quickly someone can leave.

Thank you all for your support. I appreciate you taking your time to read what I write. You have been a great audience.

Happy holidays.

May we all have a wonderful year ahead

And JUMANJI!!!!!!! (I really want out of this game).

Smoke Before Fire

The first sign of fire is the smoke.

The fire you keep bottled up in you, is it worth it?

Will you let the smoke choke you or will you allow yourself to finally breath clear air.

In the beginning I would say yes but as time has time has passed I have realised that you just have to let it out at the time.

The more you bottle it up the harder it is to let go.

You get so used to saying nothing, that when the time comes to speak up you are unable to or you end up saying too much.

That smoke in you would not magically dissipate rather it would consume you from the inside out. It would be such a slow process that you would not realise that it was happening.

Be a Phoenix before the ashes. I guess what I am trying to say is you need to let go of the smoke before the fire starts.

Pray for Nigeria

I am broken and I am tired

I hear my brothers and sister on the streets crying and pleading for you to stop killing us, but you do not listen.

Do you not have sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers at home?

So let me ask you


Do you have no remorse?

We have been given the freedom of speech.


Please do not think that you can kill us and you will get away with it.

We refuse to take this sitting down.

#EndSars #EndPoliceBrutality

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