Self-love = Confidence

Why spend years trying to impress people that do not bother to give you a second look. You see life is full of cliches. 

Why don’t you want to be confident? Is it because people might confuse you being confident with you being arrogant. Well guess what that is their problem not yours if they do not know the difference.

Not everyone is going love you. Most people do not even love themselves. 

I am not everything I want to be, but I am more than I was, and I am still learning. 

You have to start hanging out with people that benefit your future. Life is all about learning lesson but also you need to realise that confidence is not taught it comes from within you. 

You can grow to become confident, but it is also very easy for people to diminish your confidence.

Confidence comes from loving yourself in a way no-one else can love you. And also it is gained by believing in yourself in ways no-one else can believe in you.

Once you are able to love and believe in yourself, you become not only more confident but you are able to disregard what peoples opinions are about you. 

You gain self-love. 

Self-love is one of the greatest love you can gain. 

Self-love = confidence.

Love yourself, find happiness and most of all believe yourself.

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Ask Yourself

Truth and lies vector image | Free SVG

Why do we lie

Is it because it makes it easier for us to live rather than feeling the truth
Or cause we just enjoy watching the people we love suffer

For me lying is a disease. Why is it that we choose to hurt the people we love or the ones that care about us the most. It is like when something good happens to us we are quick to find a way to destroy it.

Some people try to savoury happiness, whereas others are chasing more happiness rather than focus on the what is in front of them.

I believe that when we realise that lies have no meaning in life, the personas we have created will vanish, and maybe when we understand each other, the conflict around us will disappear.

So why are we so scared to achieve this?

Why do we not fight for the truth to be told?

Why do we hide behind the fake facade?

Where I want to be in 5 years

Like everyone one else I would like to have all the superficial stuff, money, good health.

But that is if you had asked me that a few days ago.

I was asked this question recently, and to be honest the first thing that came to my mind was oooouuu I want to have a stable income, maybe engaged or married like the possibilities are endless.

Not like I don’t want that but then I actually started to think about the question actually think about it.

When I had initially given my answer I realised i was giving an answer I felt i was programmed to say, or even what I had thought the person wanted to hear. But if I was honest with myself I don’t really have a true answer to that question.

In the next 5 year I want to be happy and closer to God. Nothing more nothing less. You might think wow this girl is crazy or whatever you might think. But do you really know what happiness means.

For some people happiness you could me climbing the highest mountain, reading a book, solving a riddle, being at the pinnacle of their career or maybe even just having an ice-cream.

But for me, my happiness is yet to be determined.

It is okay not to be sure where you want to be in the next 5 years, but what is not okay is giving up.

Take your time to find out what you want to be. And try not to rush into what you think society would want you to be, rather be what you want to be.

Life is too short to be following people’s expectations. Find your own path and follow it.

Something I Feel Strongly About

As I stare a the blank page thinking about what to write.

The first word that came to my mind was control.

Taking control of what I wanted to write, taking control of the situation I am in, being in control of my life, my world.

You see the word control has a massive impact on all of us.

I used to underestimate the word control, but that was because I did not realise the amount of power it has.

What is the control you would ask, according to (Merriam-Webster) control is defined as ‘power or authority to guide or manage’.

Personally, I agree with this definition, as control to me is having the power, the power to be who I am, the power to react the way I want. 

If we know all this why give that control or power to someone else, why depend on someone knowing they may be unreliable or have the ability to change the way you may feel or think. 

That is something too precious to give away. Rather I believe it is best to keep that control to yourself master it, as it is what will help you through this life.

Are you willing to keep control of your life or let someone else control it?



Lost at Sea

Poetry: Lost at Sea • Spotter Up


There is no other option.

You are surrounded by water. You only have your will for survival, if you lose that what is left.

Back at shore there might be one or two people waiting for you to come home, praying for you to survive, but they know that it is left to you to do what you want.

It is your choice which way you want to go.

So what which would you choose SWIM or DROWN

Broken Game

Have you ever wondered why a person would appear in your life to destroy it? But the main questions we need to ask ourselves are, why do we give a person or people the power to destroy us? Is it necessary to spend so much time appeasing the unappeasable?

She was happy once. Always smiling. She may sound naive but, all she wanted was everyone around her to be happy no matter how she was feeling. This was all before you came into her life. You changed her in more ways than one could ever imagine. You showed her things she had never seen.

She gave you everything she had and more than she could give. You accepted it greedily. She was always trying to give you more because that’s what you wanted MORE But then you decided she was not giving you ENOUGH so you LEFT.

She was broken but that’s not what hurt the most; it was the rumors you left behind. You so kindly made her life a living hell.

After a while she forgave you before you asked for her forgiveness. But the funny thing is that you wanted her to beg for your forgiveness.

She wanted to move on so she asked for your forgiveness. You may have though it was out of desperation but no. It was not. It was for her peace. Her sanity. She was tired of being unhinged.

She is not the person she was before. Now she is stronger and braver than she was before.

So I guess this is a thank you.

Big Changes = Smart Choices

In life we are faced with many choices, whether it is: what we want to eat for breakfast; who we want to be friends with; or it may be what we want to our future to be like.

With each choice we have to make, we must consider the consequences it would have on our future.

Choices give us a chance to dictate which direction our lives should go. We will always make mistakes in our lives, but it is best if we make choices that we would not regret in the future.

When we make choices where the outcome may lead to regret, we tend to dwell on the opposing choice we could have made. Some people learn from that choice whereas others will make the same choice waiting for a different outcome.

I feel that every outcome that we gain from the choices we make is a lesson, whether the outcome is a good one or it is rather disappointing. It is best if we realise that we have been given a chance to make a choice that will improve our way of life as well as our happiness. Sometimes we need to take time to ponder on the choices before we make our final decision.

We need to be happy with the choices we make. If we are unhappy with the choices we make we will live an unhappy life. Some choice we need to make will be difficult but it is the best thing we could do for ourself.

We have to go through the bad to get to the good. Life is full of choices, make the right one.

Life your best life, make the right choices and lastly, learn from your mistakes.

Baggage in one’s life

“No baggage – there was the secret of existence.”

― Robert Louis Stevenson
This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

Most of us sitting in this place right now have baggage that we are either hiding, protecting or storing for others not to see. We all carry our baggage differently and that is normal, but the issue with us is that we tend to get judgmental on other peoples baggage and when it comes to ours, we get so over-protective because we do not like what others have to say about us. We can not take what we dish.

Baggages vary in sizes and each bag contains something unique about us that we do not what other to know, so they would not be able to use it against us in the future.  Baggages may contain our insecurities, things that happened in our past or things we can not change, etc. 

Some of us tend to either run away from our baggage but the problem with running is that it will always follow us no matter how fast or how far we run. You can run all you want, but the baggage you travel with continues to hold you down until you let some of it go. Baggage is sort of like your shadow you see it in the light whereas in the dark it is hidden but still there. While others tend to pile their baggage like the pile of clothes in a corner or the chair in your room because you are too lazy to sort it out or too scared  to face the truth at the time. 

Sometimes emotional baggage just needs to be emptied out. We all come with baggage and the most amazing thing that can happen is finding someone who sees everything you are and will not let you be anything less. They see the potential in you and they also see the endless possibilities you could achieve. Through their eyes you start to see yourself the same way. If you are lucky enough to find this person, never let them go. They will love you enough to help you unpack your baggage and hopefully you will do the same for them. 

There are some baggages we might want to make disappear, but we cannot until we face the facts. Sometimes all we need to do is admit defeat. We need to let the past be the past and let the future be what we learn from our past.   

Do not spend precious time pondering the past. 

Leave your old emotional baggage behind, embrace the present and celebrate your existence. 

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